Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics
Microneedling with Natural Growth Factors

Welcome To Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics

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Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics staff is devoted to delivering empathetic healthcare. We combine medical practice with a beauty and wellness spa to offer top-notch medical care and cosmetic treatments. Founded by Dr. Satyarani Tallapureddy, Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics aims to provide compassionate care to all ages, blending advanced science and excellent service for whole-body health and beauty.

At Zenicure Medical & Aesthetics, we prioritize more than simply improving our patients’ looks. Our laser treatments provide a secure and straightforward method for facial rejuvenation.

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Connecticut’s leading PCP provider that offers laser treatments, cosmetic treatments, and more.


Years Experience

Aesthetic Treatments

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Neuro Modulators

Botox and Dysport are quite similar to the difference in dosage and number of sittings. Both are a type of botulinum type A used to relax the muscles that cause frown lines and other overactive muscles of the face, like forehead lines and crow’s feet. Dysport is a smaller-sized molecule, so its unit measurement differs from Botox. Research suggests Dysport does last longer than Botox with multiple treatments.

Annual check-ups
Dermal Fillers

Give your skin better care and add beauty to your face. As we age, our skin loses collagen and elastin, facial bones thin, and the plump cheeks we were born with diminish. This results in lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and hallowing in the cheeks and temples.  Our state-of-the-art medical spa provides patients with Dermal Fillers and injections to offset the signs of aging and tired-looking skin and restore a youthful glow.

Preventive health assessments
Body Sculpting

Body sculpting, sometimes referred to as truSculpt iD, is a procedure that gets rid of unwanted fat without the use of liposuction or any other invasive surgical method. This innovative treatment gets rid of fat cells in a targeted area through the use of radio frequencies by heating the fat cells, without damaging the skin. This helps to reduce the healing time and downtime associated with traditional treatment.

Microneedling with Natural Growth Factors

Look Young with an Improved Anti-Aging Solution!
Advanced Anti-Aging with Microneedle Fractional Radio-frequency. Secret RF’s microneedles smoothly penetrate the skin, delivering energy at various depths to induce collagen regeneration while sparing the skin surface.

facial laser treatments
Hair Restoration With Natural growth Factors
Are you worried about your excessive hair reduction? First draw a small amount of blood which is centrifuged to separate the thrombocytes and fluids that will be injected into the problematic areas using Microneedling.
hartford laser hair removal

Laser Treatments

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Laser Genesis

This treatment offers excellent results without the need for surgery.

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west hartford dysport

Laser Hair Removal

Temporary hair removal methods include tweezing, shaving, depilatory creams, and waxing.

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south windsor botox

Laser Acne Treatment

Acne is a skin condition marked by blackheads, and inflamed cysts caused by folliculitis of hair follicles.

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icd 10 code for medication management
body contouring hartford

Rosacea Treatment

Mild rosacea starts with light cheek redness but can worsen to full facial redness, visible vessels, and red bumps.

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acne treatment hartofrd

Laser Nail Treatment

Toenail fungus is common, often unsightly and painful, but it is highly treatable.

icd 10 code for medication management
Telemedicine services

Pigment Correction

Pigmentation from pregnancy hormones or sun exposure isn’t harmful but can impact self-esteem.

Rosacea Treatment

This Is How We


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Comprehensive Primary Care vs. Traditional Care: What’s the Difference?
8 Reasons Why Primary Care is Essential for Your Health
home health assessments
Discover Comprehensive Care and Cosmetic Excellence at ZeniCure Medical
Health assessments
Experience Comprehensive Medical and Cosmetic Care at Zenicure Medical
Understanding Comprehensive Primary Care Comprehensive primary care is a holistic and patient-centered...
Discover the significance of primary care for your health in our blog '8 Reasons Why Primary Care is...
At ZeniCure Medical, we take pride in offering top-notch primary care services to our patients. Our highly...
Zenicure Medical is committed to providing exceptional primary care services to patients of all ages....


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